Wednesday, November 10

One for whom a Google search on their name returns 10 or more individual third party web sites referring directly to them.

In November last year George Bush came to Britain to meet a few important people, and was met also by more than 100,000 protesters aiming to make him feel unwelcome. While I disapproved of Bush’s exploits in Iraq, I didn’t really like the tone of the protest and instead formulated a plan to invite him to dinner while he was in the country. I never got round to writing the letter, but I was reminded of the idea while watching the coverage of the US elections last week. I’m not sure exactly what happened next but, taking inspiration from Dave Gorman, there’s now a bet running in our house to prove that we can get 10 celebrities to come for a meal. The rules are as follows:

  1. Celebrity will be defined as above. Any content created by the individual concerned won’t count. Neither will anything created with the deliberate intent of causing a current non-celebrity to meet the definition criteria. (Please don’t be tempted. This is important—there’s at least two pints riding on it.)
  2. If a celebrity has more than one name then the total results for each name may be added together provided they each clearly refer to the same person.


Anonymous said...

But isn't everybody famous these days? I'm sure there's loads of obscure bloggers who have had 10 sites link to them in the past - though granted they don't always refer to the blogger by name. If I manage to find 10 blogs linking to mine can I come round for a free meal?


rach said...

Hi James,

Love the challenge - keep us posted on how you get on with it.

Just wondering if you guys have seen A fantastic spin off which tells you all that google really knows about you. Scary... but funny! Oh, and don't go there unless you've got about an hour online time on your hands because you'll spend ages putting in all the various names you can think of.

Rach (from SITC)