Friday, April 30

This blog has moved

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Update: Please ignore the above. It's an autogenerated post by Google's Blogger software. Because of changes to Blogger's service I'm migrating the whole blog to Wordpress, but Wordpress's import tool only works from Blogspot blogs, so I needed to make a copy there first. Sad face.

The most current version of this blog is, and will remain, at

Monday, April 5

World military spending unveiled

At $607bn a year, America spends by far the most in the world on it's military. The UK is third on $60bn; preceded by China on $61bn and followed by Japan, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia and South Korea, with India at the bottom of the top ten on $25bn

David McCandless of posted some pretty pictures and interesting figures about military spending at The Guardian datablog. I don’t really understand why I should be interested in how it relates to GDP though? Surely “defence” spending would be better compared to the area of land or number of people it has to “protect”?