I’ve left this far too long again. Adam Syrop has posted a load of his work online. Dandelion & Burdock is definitely worth a watch.
I finally managed to get down to the “Bradford Masterplan” exhibition. Some of the ideas are very exciting, though it took me three tries before I actually managed to go and look round the place. I heard that it would be open 10-12am on Saturdays, so I struggled down there after the FND a couple of weeks ago and arrived about 11:55. I went back the following week to try again, this time making sure as to arrive in plenty of time only to find they’d changed the opening times. The majority of the public doubt in the whole project seems to centre on Bradford Council’s ability to pull it off, and to maintain it once it's built. The first time I was in there one of the attendants was telling some visitors about a place in Sheffield that was done up and which apparently proves that the same could happen here. All we need is a team to go round every day scraping gum off the streets. It seems to me that what we really need is public confidence — something that’s going to be hard to come by if they can’t even open the exhibition at a time when people want to see it. I refuse to believe that I’m the only person in Bradford who works during the week. Oh, and there still doesn’t seem to be a web site for the project.
Oh, and while I remember, Richard’s got himself interviewed by Wired News.